6 varieties to choose from:
Unflavoured / untinted
Apple flavour / untinted
Cherry flavour / untinted
Peach flavour / untinted
Raspberry flavour / untinted
Syrah Tinted / unflavoured
*non-organic ingredients are the natural mineral tint and the
natural vitamin E.
Best of all they are plastic free, in
our home-compostable
cardboard tubes, with paper
labels and cardboard boxes.
Organic Lip Balms
Our 100% natural lip balms are
luxuriously soft on your lips and
97 - 99.9% certified organic ingredients*
(including the flavourings), they’re designed
to moisturise and nourish your smackers to
cope with what comes their way each day.
Customers have been tracking us down at
fairs and markets to buy more - the feedback
has been very positive.
Purchase at Green Elephant: